Expo City Dubai Framework Plan
Transforming the legacy of the 2020 Expo into a vision for the future of Dubai with a people-first, nature-led public realm.

Dubai, UAE
3,5 km2
2023 — Ongoing
Expo City Dubai
Lead Landscape & Public Realm Planner
Partners & Collaborators
UN Studio, Buro Happold, Endpoint, LDC, EGIS/WMI, Vedra Developers FZ LLC, CPP wind, RTC, AESG, Compass, Mimar Models
Building on the legacy of the Expo 2020 Dubai, our new Expo City Dubai Framework Plan is designed as a blueprint for modern urban living and is one of five hubs on the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan and its roadmap to achieving net zero by 2050, aiming to raise the bar on responsible urban development.

The framework plan maintains the fabric and spirit of the existing site across the entire legacy development and retains more than 80% of the infrastructure and buildings developed for Expo 2020. It also ensures that Expo City Dubai continues to be fully cohesive while benefitting from the value of the built environment developed for hosting Expo 2020 Dubai.
The city will cover a total of 3,5 square kilometers and will undergo a gradual phased development that adapts to evolving requirements. It will be home to more than 35,000 residents and 37,000 professionals. It will continue to attract about 50,000 visitors each year.
Building on the Expo 2020 legacy, the framework plan is conceived as an economic, social, and cultural development that will introduce a healthy, human-centric environment that can thrive in a competitive real estate market.

The framework plan is organized into five new districts, each including both existing assets and new builds.
Expo Downtown: a high-density mixed-use area that also houses the tallest building at Expo City.
Expo Fields: serving as a model for healthy living, the district will include sports fields, a school, , homes, retail outlets, F&B venues and an arena for large-scale music events.
Expo Hills: a low-density residential community with a wadi-like open space and landscaped gardens that offers a quieter experience of urban living.
Expo Business: a campus-feel environment for innovative and entrepreneurial businesses that share Expo City’s commitment to sustainability.
Expo Valley: a low-density, nature-first residential neighbourhood that is due to be delivered in 2026.
Each district of the framework plan offers a mix of uses and local amenities in close proximity to all residential units and office spaces. The residential communities themselves will exemplify best practice in innovative minimal-impact design with a focus on wellbeing and social cohesion.

In the design of Expo City’s landscape, we have structured the landscape and public realm plan according to the three themes of the Dubai 2020 Expo: Sustainability, Mobility, and Opportunity.
Focusing on these three overarching concepts ensures a nature-based and holistic development of Expo City Dubai with a network of green spaces from parks, plazas, and complete streets to gardens, sports fields, and sikkas – all actively participating in creating a lush and vibrant everyday public realm.

By integrating the Dubai 2020 Expo’s ambitions directly into the fabric of the urban realm, the public realm & landscape plan includes multiple kilometres of active, green networks, vibrant plazas and highstreets, high-performing climate action addressing issues such as urban heat islands, air pollution, and microclimate optimization, and the planting of more than 30,000 native trees.
Amongst the many new nature-based features is the design of a new urban ‘Expo Forest’ connecting to the adjacent valley systems with naturally undulating landscapes, ghaf trees, local wildlife, and a host of activities from treetop climbing and birdwatching to urban farming that will actively support and enhance the local biodiversity.
With the stated intent of creating the greenest district in Dubai, the public realm design will immerse residents and visitors in the UAE’s unique and resilient nature – thus ensuring the lasting and sustainable legacy of the Dubai 2020 Expo.

The new Expo City Dubai will balance human needs with environmental stewardship. The framework plan has been developed and will be implemented in line with specific targets, such as protecting and increasing biodiversity, reducing energy and water consumption, use of clean energy and alternative water sources.
In addition, there will be increased use of public transport options, the inclusion of spaces that encourage walking, cycling, and micromobility, and residents will enjoy an abundance of green space per person.
The framework plan sets the target of LEED Gold as a minimum requirement for all buildings, BREEAM Excellent for infrastructure and public realm projects, and already received WELL Community Gold Certification to ensure a focus on health and wellness.