
SLA joins OAT's Triennalelaug

We are happy to join the executive partnership, Triennalelauget, for the Oslo Architecture Triennale to help shape the important discussions on the future development of Norwegian cities and societies.

“Triennalelauget provides a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange between some of the leading players of the Norwegian architecture industry - colleagues who are otherwise often competitors. In SLA we look forward to discussing how we can create a new type of nature-based city development in Norway that provides value for people, nature, and cities. In short, for all that is living.”

— Kjersti Wikstrøm, managing director, SLA Norway
We look forward to the collaboration with the other members of the network: Code Arkitektur, Dyrvik Arkitekter, LINK Arkitektur, OSLO WORKS, Rodeo arkitekter, Snøhetta, Lundhagem, Nordic Office of Architecture, Pir II, Transborder Studio and Christian Pagh.
You can read more about the expansion of OAT’s Triennalelaug here.


Hybrid Planning Applications for Earls Court submitted

After four years of consultation, collaboration, and conversations with local communities and stakeholders, we are happy to share that the Earls Court Development Company yesterday submitted the Hybrid Planning Applications to reinstate Earls Court as a global destination for wonder.

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A new Public Realm Plan for Aarhus Ø

Yesterday, the City of Aarhus approved our new Vision Plan for Aarhus Ø’s Public Realm – establishing for the first time a comprehensive strategic plan for the public spaces of Aarhus’ new blue-green neighborhood.

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Groundworks for Copenhagen's Storm Surge Plan published

Can we protect Copenhagen from the more intense storm surges of the future? Today’s report says yes, and shows a way forward.


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